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US and Canadian Open Mikes - by musicians, for musicians

Cracking Up in the Valley™ (music, comedy)
Selected Saturdays at 8:30pm
101 Founders Way
Bethlehem, PA
From the creators of the hit and groundbreaking comedy show series Cracking Up in Rahway™ comes the new show to Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, Cracking Up in the Valley™. A classy comedy show for the grown and fabulous. Featuring live music and hilarious comedy by female comedians. We are casting women comedians to share their funny stories about motherhood, womanhood, and whatever melodrama that fits your life. Our shows are classy, fun and clean. We are looking for female comedians in the PA/NJ/NY metro area. The show will be held in Bethlehem, PA (no this is not the place where Jesus was born, but it is a really cool historic city). This show is going to be fabulous, don't miss an opportunity to make your mark in Cracking Up in the Valley™. Sign up via the website:

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