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US and Canadian Open Mikes - by musicians, for musicians

Open Mics in Lake Forest, CA

Host: Lance Wulff
Our Place is a low-key, music-friendly restaurant/bar, so it is a great place to try out material or pull out one of your favorites. Originals and cover songs are both okay. If you’d like some backup, odds are you can get it. Format is typically 3 songs or 15 minutes (whichever comes first). A keyboard is often available. Sign-ups start approximately 6 PM.

This listing was last updated over 3 years ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


  • Submitted by Rick Paul
  • Last updated: September 3, 2021

This listing was last updated over 3 years ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


  • Submitted by Terry Anderson
  • Last updated: May 13, 2021

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