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US and Canadian Open Mikes - by musicians, for musicians

Open Mics in Staten Island, NY

Host: Don Teachout
The Table is a platform of expression like no other. It is a celebration of the various talents,represented in our immediate community, and often from our neighboring boroughs. All acts are welcome. The only thing we ask is that you respect your fellow artist. What will you bring to The Table?

This listing was last updated over 2 years ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


Host: Jon Schneider Jazz Combo

Bring your instrument. Guitar & Bass Amp provided.

Drummers bring your sticks/brushes

No Cover, Donations/Tips deeply appreciated

This listing was last updated over 3 years ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


  • Last updated: July 21, 2021
Brian's Open Mic (music, comedy, poetry)
Second Monday of the month at 8pm
Castleton Corners Pub
1815 Victory Boulevard
Staten Island, NY
Host: Brian Smith
Play with a band or solo. all styles of music are welcome. Poetry, Chanting, comedy. It is up to you. Have fun and enjoy and show off your talent.

This listing was last updated over 2 years ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


  • Submitted by Brian smith
  • Last updated: August 12, 2022
Host: Brian Smith
Play solo or with a band. We will back up singers (Live Karaoke) Poets, comedians, and fun seekers. All musical styles welcome.

This listing was last updated 10 months ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


  • Submitted by brian smith
  • Last updated: December 17, 2023
Host: Brian Smith
All acts, and performers, are welcome. We have bass and drums. Play with a band or go solo. The band can back up singers. Share your talent, and enjoy other folks' talent. Have a fun night

This listing was last updated 11 months ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


  • Submitted by brian smith
  • Last updated: November 3, 2023

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